Schedule 2022-23

Oct. 21: Regina Bateson, University of Ottawa, “Finding Meaning in Politics: When Victims Become Activists.”

Oct. 28: Laia Balcells, Georgetown will deliver a paper on “repression and collective action in Spain”

Nov. 11: Yang Zhang, American University, “Chinese elite networks and Tiananmen”

Dec. 2: Henry Hale, GWU, “Ukraine and ethnic identity”

Feb. 3: Şule Yaylacı (she/her), “Trust in Civil Wars: Wartime Transformations of Social Trust”

March 3: Dennis Li, GWU, “Hierarchy Mismatch: How China Lost Control of the Welfare State.”

March 24: Brandon Bartels, Eric Kramon, and Caleb Schmotter, “Does Public Support Insulate High Courts from Court-Curbing?” (joint session with AP)

April 14: Harris Mylonas, Zeynep Bulutgil and Luis Schenoni, “The Top-Down Approach to Research Design: Valuating Theory and Evidence in Political Science”

April 21: Alicia Cooperman and Dan Ziebarth, (title TBA) paper on analyzing public opinion data from India and the US about policy preferences towards climate change and COVID-19, role and trust in government, and perceptions of international organizations (joint session with AP)